About Us
The saying goes, “The two best days of being a boat owner are the day you buy it, and the day you sell it”…we strive to defy this quote and make all the days of owning your boat the best days with the day you sell it being the saddest! Don’t get us wrong, boat owning can add a lot of extra work in maintenance and repairs, that is where we come in.
Redeeming Boat Services is a Christian based small business with over 10 years of winterizing/minor boat maintenance experience. Our goal is to provide quality and honest services to Salina and its surrounding communities. From the seasoned boat owners looking to offload some maintenance issues or seasonal winterizing, to the person who just purchased their first boat and is just starting to learn, we want to help you. We also have the ability to come to you with our mobile winterizing services. Occasionally we will purchase damaged boats for complete restoration and resale them for an honest price.